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Five Tips to Help You Get Ready For A New Month

Wow guys I can't believe we are breezing through another month. It feels like time needs to slow down. Does anyone else feel this way? Anyway since a new month is only a few days away I thought I would share how I get our home and myself honestly ready for it all. The tips below are presented in no particular order.

Tips One and Two: Meal Planning and Bulk Grocery Shopping

We are a family of five and one thing I do each month is to make a meal plan. One of our budget secrets is to shop once per month for groceries. My monthly meal plan goes hand in hand with my once per month shop for groceries. I use a simple calendar you can download for free to plan our meals for the month. I am a homemaker and homeschooling mom so I plan a breakfast, lunch, and dinner option for my family.

One thing I do to save time is to bulk cook whenever I can. For example, on the weekends, I like to make a double or triple portion of pancakes or waffles. We eat what we need for that day then I freeze the leftovers and the children can help themselves to breakfast during the week by taking out individual portions. Once I make a plan of what we will eat for the month then I will take a trip to the grocery store to stock up on the items I will need. This includes food as well as cleaning supplies and other miscellaneous items. When I use the big box stores I make sure to clip all the digital coupons before shopping day too! Who doesn't like to save a little extra?

Tip Three: Update Cleaning Calendar

Another thing I do to get ready for the month is to update our cleaning calendar. I feel like there is always something that needs to get done in our house. For me if I don't write it down I will likely forget to do it. I plan big cleaning jobs for the month. Things like: change the curtains, reorganize the pantry, clean the linens for the beds, wash windows, clean ceiling light fixtures, or clean the refrigerator and oven etc. These are tasks we all need to do often but for me to stay on top of these jobs a monthly calendar is helpful for me to have. So to get ready for a new month I like to plan ahead for the tasks I need to complete. This is also a helpful way to help you reorganize and de-clutter your home.

Tip Four: Revisit your Finances

This is something you should do often but I especially like to do this as I get ready for a new month. I want to ensure I have paid all the bills that are outstanding and set a budget for anything else I might need to purchase that upcoming month. Go over any financial goals you have for yourself and or family. If you are saving for something in particular check to see how close you are to achieving that goal and do a reevaluation to see if you need to change anything so that you can get to your goal sooner.

Tip Five: Update your personal and family calendar

You read that right! So, I use a calendar for meals, a calendar for cleaning and I also have both a personal and a family calendar. As a new month approaches I try to ensure I update the family calendar to list events, appointments or other information as it pertains to the entire family. My children rely on this calendar as it helps them to keep track of the days and the various events we have going on. In addition to a family calendar I have a personal one. To be clear all these calendars are simple, free templates that I download for from the internet. Your calendar can be as simple or as hi-tech as you want it to be. Anyhow, my personal calendar is where I track activities and obligations I have as it pertains to our business and or any personal goals I am working towards.

There you go five tips to help you get your home and personal life ready for a new month! If you found this post helpful please feel free to leave a comment below to let me know. I can't wait to hear all about how you get ready for a new month. Leave other tips not listed below for others too!


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Welcome to For Your Heart and Home. Here I hope you will find inspiring content to help you get through life. I am a wife and mother. I am also a former educator and now I home school our three children. I try to find the good in people and the good in the simple things of life. Life does not have to be complicated and I truly believe if we slow down and pay closer attention to what is happening around us we will develop and grow a gracious heart.

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